We are proud to announce the formation of a new Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) Interest Group, the Second Life Interest Group (SLIG).
SLIG was formed by unanimous vote at the November CAL Board meeting. The purpose of the group is to:
- Explore new ways of doing digital outreach, networking and public relations in order to promote Colorado and its libraries (including but not limited to academic, public, special, and school) on the virtual world of Second Life
- Build a Colorado Association of Libraries presence on Second Life through a new virtual library that will represent the combined efforts of the aforementioned Colorado libraries and their library staff.
- This new library, "the Sustainable Living Library" on the sim Emerald City, will represent best practices for living an ecologically conscious life. Through virtual workshops, conferences, and links to "green websites", the community of Second Life as well as real life patrons will learn more about their environment and how to save it.
- The "Sustainable Living Library" will make available to the community of Second Life the online public access catalogs of Colorado libraries associated with this new library and any programs or activities that promote Colorado, its libraries, or CAL.
The Mission Statement of the Sustainable Living Library:
The Sustainable Living Library of Second Life is committed to creating better and healthier lives for ourselves and our children through sustainable living practices. By developing workshops, exhibits and other resources, we strive to educate our visitors about green practices and other ways to sustain healthy lives and a healthy planet.SLIG will be meeting soon in the virtual world of Second Life. Interest group members and all others are encouraged to attend this virtual meeting. In the meantime, if you'd like help opening a Second Life account and/or have any other related questions, please contact:
Victoria A. Petersen: petersen.victoria@gmail.com
Eileen Dumas: edumas8@gmail.com
Already In-World? Visit Emerald City and see its current development! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Emerald%20City/123/62/26
Further Reading:Sustainable Living Library blog Recent Press:"Libraries go Green @ Emerald City", article in the national print and online magazine,
RezLibris"Mancos PL Builds Green", ALA Tech Source Blog Interview
We are looking forward to seeing many of you in-world, and to work together in the creation of CAL's Sustainable Living Library!
Posted in:
Mission Statement,
Sunday, November 9, 2008
12:23 PM