Sustainable Living Library Has Been Built!
When CAL unanimously approved the formation of SLIG (Second Life Interest Group), who knew that our library would be built, open, and ready for business in just a few short days!
The Sustainable Living Library (SLL) is a replica of a green building, and will eventually house an exhibit describing the green features of the building. Other exhibits will focus on CAL Colorado Libraries, as well as other green topics. As in real life, the SLL will hold programs; at the beginning, we will focus on general Second Life information for Colorado librarians new to this virtual world; eventually we will integrate green programs for any Second Life resident interested in sustainability.
Our builder, Krull Aeon, has built several other projects for libraries and librarians thoughout Second Life. And not only does Krull build, but he also writes programs specifically for Second Life; these applications can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the way people experience Second Life. A popular application that he has built recently is the Virtual Book; an avatar walks into a "book", and is then surround by images, voice recordings, and even moving characters! We feel very lucky to have had this wonderful innovator for our builder.
Posted in: CAL, Exhibits, Krull, Programs, SLL on Thursday, November 13, 2008 at at 6:15 AM