Green Tip December 2008

"Sprig Serious About Play"

A Ft. Collins, Colorado toy company debuted its first line of eco-friendly toys this fall. Sprig Toys ( ) has been in business for only 18 months but is already attracting national attention with its innovative line of battery free toy trucks. These trucks are made of child-safe composite recycled wood and reclaimed plastic called "sprig wood". The company uses minimal packaging. The toys are made in Canada rather than shipped a long distance from China. Sprig is in the process of making distribution deals with Toys R Us, Whole Foods, and independent toy dealers across the country.

Rocky Mountain News
Friday December 12, 2008
Business section, page 3

Green Links:

ImagiPlay--toys with integrity
MiYim--organic cotton toys
North Star Toys--wooden toys since 1979


  1. I enjoyed this blog about green toys. The Sprig site has my vote for best green toys. Imagiplay, Miyim, and Northstar have wonderful toys for younger children but school age children may not find them as stimulating. Thank you for generating awareness about green activities.