Grand Opening Bash a Success

More than 20 avatars from around the world gathered to help us celebrate the Grand Opening of CAL's Sustainable Living Library in Second Life. Visitors toured the Library, which currently holds collections of web resources on Sustainable Living and Green Building, as well as an exhibit focused on the green aspects of the library itself.

The real fun began when DJ Zu started spinning tunes from a real-life turntable that was streamed live into Second Life. The songs ranged from classic pop favorites to electro-industrial to disco. We even grooved to a mixed version of Mozart - enhanced and combined with techno dance beats!

Some attendees were from other environmental-themed groups from across Second Life. They were happy to see CAL's efforts and encouraged us to take a look at what they are working on. SLIG will be working to partner with many of these groups to combine resources, and possibly co-host future events.

Next on the agenda is to continue to add to our collections, host new and informative exhibits, and to host workshops on 'green' topics, as well as Second Life Basics for new CAL SLIG members.

CAL SLIG, 2nd Meeting Information

SLIG held its' second meeting last night, and even though attendance was a little sparse, a lot of good came out of it! We discussed the Library's Grand Opening festivities, which are all centered around ALA MidWinter meeting in just a couple of weeks.

A majority of the meeting was spent brainstorming about the resources we need to have in the library, so that we can educate our visitors about sustainability and the environment. We went on a field trip to Land of Lincoln to view an example of an educational display, and then journeyed to the Alliance Virtual Library to view various ways of getting information out there - SL style!

This Saturday, the Sustainable Living Library will be hosting a Second Life Basics workshop. If you need help sprucing up your avatar, this is one workshop you don't want to miss! The workshop begins at 1pm MT (12 SLT) at the Sustainable Living Library. IM Plautia Corvale or Ariell Enoch in-world for a TP, or search for CAL's Sustainable Living Library.

Green Tip January 2009

Edible hemp is one of the new "super foods" of the 21st century. It's nutritious providing "an optimal 3-to-1 ratio of omega-3's to omega-6's" and high in fiber, protein, magnesium, zinc, iron, and vitamin E which promotes healthy skin, stable blood sugar and intestinal health. Hemp plants grow like weeds making them a highly renewable food source. Extensive tests have shown that food-grade hemp has nothing in common with its wilder botanical cousin (much like poppy seeds and opium). Hemp products include hemp milk, seeds, and protein powders. Most of these products can be found at your local natural grocery. Living Harvest Hempmilk is about $5 a carton. For more information or order by the case at