CAL SLIG, 2nd Meeting Information
SLIG held its' second meeting last night, and even though attendance was a little sparse, a lot of good came out of it! We discussed the Library's Grand Opening festivities, which are all centered around ALA MidWinter meeting in just a couple of weeks.A majority of the meeting was spent brainstorming about the resources we need to have in the library, so that we can educate our visitors about sustainability and the environment. We went on a field trip to Land of Lincoln to view an example of an educational display, and then journeyed to the Alliance Virtual Library to view various ways of getting information out there - SL style!
This Saturday, the Sustainable Living Library will be hosting a Second Life Basics workshop. If you need help sprucing up your avatar, this is one workshop you don't want to miss! The workshop begins at 1pm MT (12 SLT) at the Sustainable Living Library. IM Plautia Corvale or Ariell Enoch in-world for a TP, or search for CAL's Sustainable Living Library.
Posted in: Avatars, Meeting, Workshops on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at at 3:15 PM