Office Hours - Now Beginning!

SLIG is happy to announce our new "Office Hours"!

Victoria/Plautia and Eileen/Ariell will be at CAL's Sustainable Living Library every Saturday (weather permitting:-) from 10am to 12 noon MT.

We will be there to help CAL members learn about any Second Life topic of their choice!

During our open 'Office Hours', Plautia and Ariell will be able to help you with the following:

  • Navigating this exciting virtual world
  • Changing your appearance
  • Creating educational exhibits and displays
  • Finding 'freebies'
  • ...and more!
We have found that informal learning sessions in Second Life are more conducive to learning for some folks than learning in a traditional classroom setting. Also, by having them at a set time every week will make it easier for people to log in when they have time!

So, pop on by CAL's Sustainable Living Library and say hello!